Table of contents:

  • Key information
  • Expectations
  • Tabular list of PhD vacancies

Three disciplines - one goal: The Vienna Doctoral School of Pharmaceutical, Nutritional and Sport Sciences (VDS-PhaNuSpo) at the University of Vienna offers doctoral students a scientific education at the highest level. It is the largest doctoral training programme in Austria encompassing the three disciplines of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nutritional Sciences and Sport Sciences and brings together about 160 doctoral candidates and 45 Principal Investigators. Our aim is to attract outstanding students from around the world, to train excellent scientists and guide them towards research at the forefront of Pharmaceutical, Nutritional and Sport Sciences, to provide an open-minded environment that allows for networking, and to experience a vibrant and dynamic community to carry out interdisciplinary and curiosity-driven research in the heart of Europe.

Apply either to one of the i) 10 PhD positions in the "AIDD-Anti-Infective Drug Discovery doc:fund project" across all divisions of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, or ii) 2 VDS-PhanuSpo PhD scholarships in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, or iii) 1 PhD position in the Department of Sport and Human Movement Science.

Take the next step in your academic career and become part of a thriving international research community!

Key information

  • Application period: Opens on 21 March 2025 - Closes on 13 April 2025 at 23:59 CET.
  • Language requirements: Excellent English in writing and speaking is a must; knowledge of German is an advantage.
  • Application: Via the online platform Apply@PhaNuSpo.
  • Start: The positions will be filled between early summer and ideally by 1 October 2025 at the latest.
  • List of vacancies: The table below lists the vacancies with links to detailed descriptions.

Our Expectations

We expect all applicants to have a

  • Deep interest in and enthusiasm for scientific work.
  • Critical and analytical mind.
  • Strong communication, data presentation and visualisation skills
  • Ability to work, both independently and collaboratively
  • Good computer and/or wet bench work skills
  • High level of motivation and commitment to successfully complete his/her doctoral studies within the anticipated time frame of 4 years.
  • An asset: experience in writing scientific publications.
  • Other PhD position-specific expectations can be found on the relevant PhD project description page.

We expect the successful candidate to actively participate in research, teaching & administration, which means

  • You complete the public presentation (FÖP) of your dissertation project and finalise the doctoral thesis agreement within 6-12 months, and then submit the annual progress reports on time.
  • You participate in research projects/ research studies.
  • You present results in peer-reviewed publications and at international conferences.
  • You work on your dissertation and its completion.
  • You participate in teaching and independent teaching of courses within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement and in the co-supervision of Masters students.
  • You participate in the organisation of events for (early-stage) researchers.
  • You join and actively participate in the activities of the VDS-PhaNuSpo.

Tabular list of PhD vacancies

Please click on the relevant links in the table for detailed information on the dissertation project or the PI.

Application-CodePrincipal Investigator (PI)Project Title

phanuspo#1, phanuspo#2, phanuspo#3: Select one of these 3 positions in the application portal.

phanuspo#1-KonradAss.-Prof. Dr. David B. KonradStudying and Overcoming the H2O2-Induced Resistance towards Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibitors in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.
phanuspo#2-KoppAssoc. Prof. Dr. Florian KoppNon-coding RNA in stress-related metabolic disease: physiological role and therapeutic application.
phanuspo#3-KempeAss.-Prof. Dr. Matthias KempeDecoding Non-Contact Injuries in Football: AI-Powered Biomechanical Profiling and Fatigue-Driven Risk Mitigation.

AIDD#1 - AIDD#10
Select in the application portal "AIDD-Anti-Infective Drug Discovery" and enter a maximum of two of the AIDD projects listed below in the corresponding field of the application form by using the following notation, e.g: AIDD#1-Boettcher + AIDD#3-Kirchmair.

AIDD#1- Boettcher

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Böttcher

Anti-infectives from antagonistic interactions of Pseudomonas and Candida.
AIDD#2- Dailey

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lea Ann Dailey

Performance-enhancing formulations for antifungal and antibacterial therapies.
AIDD#3- Kirchmair

Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Kirchmair

Computer-guided identification and optimization of small molecules targeting Pseudomonas and Candida.
AIDD#4- Ortmayr

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Karin Ortmayr

Combined phenotypic and metabolome profiling for accelerated compound characterization.
AIDD#5- Orts

Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Julien Orts

New antifungal strategy against invasive Candida infections.
AIDD#6- Rademacher

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Rademacher

Non-carbohydrate-based glycomimetic-based inhibition of P. aeruginosa biofilm formation.
AIDD#7- Rollinger

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Judith M. Rollinger

Artificial intelligence for the targeted identification and isolation of anti-infective natural products.

AIDD#8- Schmidt

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Manuela Schmidt

Proteome-level identification of mechanism of action (MoA) of natural compounds.
AIDD#9- Schuetzenmeister

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Nina Schützenmeister

Total synthesis of antimicrobial natural products and analogues.
AIDD#10- Zotchev

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sergey Zotchev

Targeting siderophore re-uptake as a strategy to fight infections caused by P. aeruginosa.


We look forward to new personalities in our team!

Photo of the University of Vienna with a rainbow flag

© Manuel Lavoriero

Equal opportunity, diversity and anti-discrimination

The University of Vienna has an anti-discriminatory employment policy and attached great importance to equal opportunities, the advancement of women and diversity. We lay special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior and academic positions among the academic and generic university staff and therefore expressly encourage qualified women to apply. Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female candidates.

The Human Resources and Gender Equality Office of the University of Vienna provides services that aim to ensure equal opportunities for all members of the university.

Within this framework, the VDS-PhaNuSpo strives to strengthen equal opportunity and career development, independent of gender, nationality, disabilities, sexual preferences or religion, and to support compatibility between family and work/ training.