Calls and Opportunities

Summer School

The Pharmacoinformatics Research Group led by our PI Gerhard Ecker is organising a summer school in Vienna on 14-19 September 2025. Find out more!

Calls & Opportunities

Within the framework of Erasmus+, regular PhD students of the University of Vienna can apply for Erasmus+ funding for self-organised 5-14-day stays...

Calls & Opportunities

Application deadline:16 March 2025

To bridge the gap between academia and other sectors, participate in a two-month, funded program in a host...

Calls & Opportunities

The Department of Sports Medicine, Performance Physiology and Prevention (Head: Prof. Dr. med. Jürgen Scharhag) offers you the opportunity to...


The seed grants should be used for the preparation of a major funding application and the project must be relevant to the field of Data Science. ...

Calls & Opportunities

The call for applications is open from 03.10.2024 to 27.10.2024.

For 'short-term finishing contracts' or 'completion fellowships' starting between...


Die Stipendien bieten: interdiszipinäre Diskussionsforen, Teilnahme an PRO SCIENTIA Sommerakademie, 1000€/Jahr Bildungsgeld, interdisziplinäre und...

Calls & Opportunities

The programme is an opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs and designed for Masters and PhD students who are passionate about sustainability and eager...

Calls & Opportunities

This year's theme, 'Into the Unknown', focuses on exploratory science that enables our understanding of the mechanisms that govern life.
