Our PhDs on the road

The main conference in the field of sport research, the 29th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, took place in Glasgow from 2 to 5 July. Our PhD students Anna Moitzi (Spo), Johanna Sick (Spo) and Tamara Stelzer (Nu) were right in the middle of it all!

Read more about their impressions.

  • Period of stay: 2 - 5 July 2024



ECSS 2024 Glasgow

Anna: The ECSS Congress is the highlight of every sports scientist's calendar, and I was really looking forward to it again this year. Thanks to the DocsShool travel grant, I was able to cover the costs of the hotel, flight and congress fee, which made it even more special. The four-day conference is always packed with a dense programme and presentations on the latest findings in the field of sport science. I was thrilled to be able to contribute to the success of the conference with my presentation on the effects of a low-carb diet on the blood lipid profile of male runners. The presentation and the subsequent discussion went really well, and I was able to take away some very interesting comments from the discussion. Although the weather was rather British, we had a fantastic time and we gained a lot of experience for our PhD project. I'd like to thank PhaNuSpo and my supervisor Prof. Daniel König for this amazing opportunity!

Tamara: For me it was the first time to participate in an international conference and therefore it was a unique experience to attend such a highlight of a congress. I am also thankful for the PhaNuSpo travel grant which facilitated the participation for me. I was very grateful to have the opportunity to present part of my results, namely the effects of moderately elevated bilirubin levels on metabolic health and exercise performance, in an oral presentation. Furthermore, I was able to gain further insight into several very interesting topics by listening to talks from other researchers from all over the world. Overall, I had a very great time at the conference together with my colleagues from the doctoral school. Big thanks to PhaNuSpo and my two supervisors, Prof. Karl-Heinz Wagner and Prof. Daniel König, for making this great experience possible.  

Johanna: The ECSS 2024 in Glasgow was the second international conference in which I contributed  in the form of an oral presentation. After last year’s positive experience in Paris, I was even more excited to be able to actively participate in the event again. During my talk, I presented the results of an exploratory data analysis on dropouts from an exercise intervention trial in patients with post-Covid-19 syndrome. I was happy to see that my presentation led to a lively discussion with the audience, highlighting the importance of my PhD project in this area of research. Apart from presenting my own work, it was also a pleasure to attend many interesting talks, network with other scientists in the sport science community and get a glimpse of Scottish culture at the festivities hosted by ECSS on the last evening. I highly appreciate the financial support by the VDS PhaNuSpo as well as the support of my supervisor Prof. Daniel König.

fltr: Anna, Tamara, Johanna, Gustavo Zaccaria Schaun (Postdoc), Michelle Slunecko and Peter Raidl (PhD students in Sport Science)