PhD Corner


We are pleased to invite our PhaNuSpo members to 2 days of exciting scientific and social program with one overnight stay at Stift Seitentstetten in Lower Austria.

Award/ Grant Winners

The winners of the infographics competition have been chosen by a jury consisting of Walter Longauer (APA Infographics Director), Tanja Traxler (Der Standard) and Sarah Davies (Prof. of Technosciences, Materiality, & Digital Cultures, University of Vienna). Congrats Julia!

Award/ Grant Winners

As one of eight PhD students from the University of Vienna, Andreas Wasilewicz was awarded with the Impact.Award 2022 funded by the City of Vienna Cultural Affairs. In a self-produced video pitch created as part of the selection process, Andreas presents his PhD work and talks about the possible...

Public presentation

The next public presentations of PhD thesis projects will be held online on Thursday 02 June 2022, 9:00 - 13:30 CET. Online Moodle BBB


On May 20th, more than 50 stations invite visitors to marvel and participate in the in the Long Night of Research in the main building of the University of Vienna, on campus and at other locations.

Peter Raidl, PhD student in Sport Science, participates with the “Experiment: Physical stress...

PhD Corner

We are looking forward to meeting you for our second PhaNuSpo Get-Together.

With best wishes from the Directors' team, student representatives and executive manager.

PhD Corner

The next public presentations of PhD projects will be held online on Thursday 03 March 2022, 9:00-13:00 CET



How can we maintain health during aging? "My research could be the key", says Agnes Draxler from the Vienna Doctoral School of Phamarceutical, Nutritional and Sport Sciences (PhaNuSpo). The video gives an insight into her research about "Healthy Aging".

PhD Corner

Wishing you a very happy Holiday Season and a wonderful New Year!