

Meet Bernhard Dumphart, our PhD candidate in Sport Science, who is doing research on gait analysis! By using artificial intelligence, he is working to make diagnosing gait disabilities faster and more reliable. Read on to learn more about his innovative approach and early results.


Podcast in German.

Sie sind im Meersalz, im Honig, im Mineralwasser, in Teebeuteln — winzig kleine Plastikpartikel. Jede Woche nehmen wir, ohne es zu merken, bis zu fünf Gramm Mikro- und Nanoplastik in uns auf. Das ist so, als würden wir jede Woche eine ganze Kreditkarte essen! Aber mit welchen...


From drug development to diagnostics and pain management: Medicine has long catered to the needs of the ‘middle-aged Caucasian man’. How aware is medical research today of gender-based inequality? We asked pain researcher Manuela Schmidt and medical ethicist Magdalena Eitenberger.


Chronic pain is a complex disease that still lacks effective treatment. We visited the lab of Manuela Schmidt and David Gómez Varela from the University of Vienna who aim to change this using cutting-edge technologies and approaches in proteome research.


To celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the University of Vienna is organising the photocampaign to highlight the visibility of women and FLINTA* in science. Do you want to be a part of it?

Award/ Grant Winners

PhaNuSpo PI, Assoc.-Prof. Hans Kainz, receives this prestigious award, worth around 2 million euros, for the INSIDE-BONE project. The European Research Council (ERC) programme enables basic pioneering research with high innovation potential.

Award/ Grant Winners

Congratulations! With their innovative project concept, Judith Rollinger (coordinator) and Lea Ann Dailey (co-coordinator) from the Dep. of Pharmaceutical Sciences have been awarded the prestigious FWF doc:funds programme. This programme supports innovative doctoral training at universities and...


Article in German.

Warum sind Schichtarbeiter*innen öfter von Übergewicht und damit verbundenen Krankheiten betroffen? Eine EU-weite Studie unter der Leitung der Uni Wien sucht nach Antworten – und entwickelt Maßnahmen zur Prävention.


Our PI Manuela Schmidt and the new head of the Center of Excellence for Metaproteomics biochemist, David Gómez-Varela, have developed innovative methods in the field of metaproteomics and will continue in their research in collaboration with Bruker. Read more about the new facility.