

The Faculty of Life Sciences cordially invites you to the inaugural lectures of Prof. Dr. Lea Ann Dailey, Prof. Dr. Christoph Rademacher and Prof. Dr. Manuela Schmidt of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Afterwards, we invite you to a lively exchange of ideas over a small buffet in the...


Gastbeitrag von Tilman Kühn zur Semesterfrage "Planet und Mensch".

Der vegane Megatrend macht auch vor Österreich nicht halt. In seinem Gastbeitrag beschäftigt sich der Ernährungswissenschafter Tilman Kühn mit dem Zusammenspiel von (veganer) Ernährung und planetarer Gesundheit.


Producing antibiotics takes a lot of effort – even when the activity is outsourced to bacteria. A research group with Olga Sekurova and Sergey Zotchev from the University of Vienna has now discovered three genes that mimic a state of stress in the cells. With the help of these genes, the researchers...


Individuals with elevated bilirubin levels often are metabolically healthier and even protected from some types of cancer. A team of nutritional scientists led by Karl-Heinz Wagner has found out why this is the case.


The research team led by Verena Pichler (Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry) was visited by German forensic biologist Mark Benecke to talk about microplastic and how to investigate its effects on human health. (YouTube Video)

Award/ Grant Winners

The VDS of Pharmaceutical, Nutritional and Sport Sciences warmly congratulates our PI member Julien Orts (Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences) on receiving the ERC Consolidator Grant for his outstanding work!


Unter der Leitung von Johannes Kirchmair vom Department für Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften der Universität Wien werden innovative maschinelle Lernverfahren für die moderne Wirkstoffforschung entwickelt.


The therapies of the future are being developed in Christoph Rademacher's laboratory at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Vienna. He is currently researching a vaccine patch for home use – and is relying on cooperation with industry.


Ulrike Grienke ist Expertin auf dem Gebiet der Naturstoffe, Lea Ann Dailey hat sich auf die Inhalation von Wirkstoffen spezialisiert. Nun haben sich die beiden Wissenschafterinnen der Uni Wien zusammengetan, um zu untersuchen, wie bestimmte Naturstoffe gegen Corona wirken, wenn sie inhaliert werden....