

(Article in German) Medikamentenentwicklung, Risikoeinschätzung und Schmerztherapien orientierten sich lange am "kaukasischen Mann". Wir fragen Schmerzforscherin Manuela Schmidt und Sozialwissenschafterin Magdalena Eitenberger: Wie gendersensibel ist die Forschung heute?


The campaign for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, which took place on 11 February 2024, celebrates all female scientists in STEM fields. Our aim is to showcase the diversity within the sciences by highlighting women scientists and their research interests from our Faculty of Life...


(Article and Video in German)

Evidence that highly processed foods are linked to multiple health risks is mounting and calls for labelling are growing louder. In this article and video, PhaNuSpo PhD student Reynalda Córdova explains the results of her recent groundbreaking research involving...


New original research from our Division of Pharmacology and Toxicology (working group Schmidt) has been released. The paper by Gomez-Varela et. al.: "Increasing taxonomic and functional characterization of host-microbiome interactions by DIA-PASEF metaproteomics" was published last week in Frontiers...


During the course of the "PhaNuSpo Scientific Lecture Series - Meet the Expert", students will have the opportunity to meet the lecturers and discuss with them in detail. Afterwards, the invited lecturers will give a talk.


The Faculty of Life Sciences cordially invites you to the inaugural lectures of Prof. Dr. Lea Ann Dailey, Prof. Dr. Christoph Rademacher and Prof. Dr. Manuela Schmidt of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Afterwards, we invite you to a lively exchange of ideas over a small buffet in the...


Gastbeitrag von Tilman Kühn zur Semesterfrage "Planet und Mensch".

Der vegane Megatrend macht auch vor Österreich nicht halt. In seinem Gastbeitrag beschäftigt sich der Ernährungswissenschafter Tilman Kühn mit dem Zusammenspiel von (veganer) Ernährung und planetarer Gesundheit.


Producing antibiotics takes a lot of effort – even when the activity is outsourced to bacteria. A research group with Olga Sekurova and Sergey Zotchev from the University of Vienna has now discovered three genes that mimic a state of stress in the cells. With the help of these genes, the researchers...


Individuals with elevated bilirubin levels often are metabolically healthier and even protected from some types of cancer. A team of nutritional scientists led by Karl-Heinz Wagner has found out why this is the case.