

On May 20th, more than 50 stations invite visitors to marvel and participate in the in the Long Night of Research in the main building of the University of Vienna, on campus and at other locations.

Peter Raidl, PhD student in Sport Science, participates with the “Experiment: Physical stress...


The team around PhaNuSpo-PI Prof. Judith M. Rollinger from the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Division of Pharmacognosy) is starting a joint project in cooperation with the Schwabe Group.


How can we maintain health during aging? "My research could be the key", says Agnes Draxler from the Vienna Doctoral School of Phamarceutical, Nutritional and Sport Sciences (PhaNuSpo). The video gives an insight into her research about "Healthy Aging".


A new FWF project has been granted to Lea Ann Dailey (PI, Div. of Pharm. Technology) and Ulrike Grienke (co-PI, Div. of Pharmacognosy). The aim of this project is to investigate natural products active against acute respiratory infections (e.g. SARS-CoV-2) regarding their suitability and efficacy...


Hanna K. Fischer and Manuela Schmidt from the Division of Pharmacology and Toxicology, in collaboration with researchers from Germany, demonstrate a novel functional role of the transmembrane protein (Tmem) 160 for nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain, a subtype of chronic pain caused by nerve...


A new FWF project has been granted to Verena M. Dirsch, head of the Molecular targets lab. This project aims to dissect the molecular mechanism of a natural product analog identified as a specific ligand of the nuclear receptor RXR (retinoid X receptor) with unique functional in vitro activities. We...


A team at the Department for Pharmaceutical Sciences developed a therapy concept that could stop tumor growth.

Publication ( Billerhart M, Schönhofer M, Schueffl H, Polzer W, Pichler J, Decker S,Taschauer A, Maier J, Anton M, Eckmann S, Blaschek M,...


The Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences becomes a member of Green Labs Austria. The initiative wants to connect labs in Austria to reduce our carbon footprint.

Founded in spring 2020 by students and postdocs of the Department of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology at the University of Vienna, the...


The project leader Sergey Zotchev as well as Olga Sekurova and PhD student Anna Stich (Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences), and Martin Zehl (Mass Spectrometry Centre of the University of Vienna) altered together with an international team of scientists DNA polymerase of the model strain...