Table of contents
- Admission to the Doctoral/PhD programme
- Benefits and services of the VDS PhaNuSpo
- Requirements according to the Curriculum
- Tuition fee
- International doctoral students
- Living in Vienna | Work & Family Life
- Online information sessions of the Center of Doctoral Studies
- Information brochures of the University of Vienna
1. Admission to the Doctoral/PhD programme
To be eligible to apply for a doctorate, applicants must hold a Master's degree in the intended field of research. You can apply all year round online via u:space. Please note that you must renew your enrolment each semester. This must be done within the regular admission period.
You can choose from the following research areas:
Curriculum Doctoral/PhD Programme in the Natural Sciences in the field of Life Sciences (German / English)
- Nutritional Sciences: academic title Dr.rer.nat., study programme code 796 610 474
- Pharmacy: academic title Dr.rer.nat, study programme code 796 610 449
Curriculum PhD Programm in Sport Science (German / English)
- Sport Science: academic title PhD, study programme code 794 680 481
You will also need to submit a number of documents relating to your intended research project. Your application will be reviewed by the relevant Doctoral Programme Directors. Please note that it may take several weeks to process your application. To find out more about the documents required to apply for doctoral studies, please click on the following links
2. Benefits and services of the VDS PhaNuSpo
The VDS PhaNuSpo is one of the top destinations for ambitious and highly qualified doctoral students in and across the fields of pharmaceutical, nutritional and sport sciences. The VDS PhaNuSpo focuses on supporting excellent research through
- Close supervision by a thesis committee consisting of at least two experts in the field of the doctoral research project.
- Close mentoring and guidance to ensure appropriate progress of the project, including regular meetings with the thesis committee and members o the faculty with appropriate feedback.
- Access to state-of-the-art equipment and analytical technologies to supporting in silico, in vitro, in vivo and omics approaches in all of the participating laboratories.
- Promotion of interdisciplinary exchange in joint courses/seminars/workshop, retreats, and social events.
- Opportunity to get involved in both Academia and Industry.
- Promotion of teaching and other transferable skills.
- Additional financial support, e.g. in the form of completion and mobility grants.
- A low hierarchical structure and an open door policy.
- A strong student voice in the Steering Committee of the doctoral school.
- Dedicated administrative support.
3. Requirements according to the curricula are as follows
- The duration of the doctoral programme is 3-4 years.
- Doctoral students in Pharmacy and in Nutritional Sciences have to acquire 20 ECTS and PhD students in Sport Sciences between 18 and 30 ECTS. For detailed information, please visit this website.
- Sign the Code of Good Practices for Doctoral Schools.
- Attend the following lectures/seminars: PhaNuSpo Scientific Lectures - Meet the Expert, Research Ethics for PhD students and in the PhaNuSpo Annual Retreat (for students admitted in 2021W or later)
- Present the thesis project at the public presentation at the faculty (FÖP) within 12 months, preferably within the first 6 months.
- Prepare and submit the doctoral thesis agreement within 1 month after the public presentation.
- Submit annual progress reports after the approval of the doctoral thesis agreement.
- Write a doctoral thesis that demonstrates the candidate's ability to independently master academic subjects (cumulative or monograph).
- Submit the thesis for external review.
- Public defence.
4. Tuition fee
- As long as you study at the University of Vienna, you have to pay at least the Students' Union fee each semester and, depending on your employment status and/or nationality, additional tuition fees.
- The amount of the tuition fees depends on your nationality (EU/EEA or non-EU/EEA citizens) and also on how long you have been studying.
- Detailed information on tuition fees and exemptions, can be found on the homepage of Teaching Affairs and Study Services.
- If you have any unanswered questions about how to apply for 'Equal status with EU/EEA citizens' (tuition fee exemption), please email the Doc School coordinator.
5. International doctoral candidates
a) Legalisation and translation of documents
- All documents required for the application process must be translated if they are not in English or German. Whether the documents you use need to be diplomatically certified (legalised) and translated depends on the country in which you studied. Legalisation must be done before translation and by a sworn translator. Details here.
b) Information on moving to Austria
Moving to a new city and country and finding your way around a new university can be very challenging, especially in the beginning. Finding a place to live, getting insurances (e.g. for students without employment contacts) and a residence permit, or finding things that need to be taking care of.
- Information on entry and residence for students and researchers (Website of OeAD, Agency for Education and Internationalisation).
- Information on immigration law for third-country nationals (website of the Austrian Business Agency).
- EU/EEA/Swiss nationals (stay longer than 3 months): Confirmation of Registration for Students or Confirmation of Registration for Researchers.
- Entry and residence in Austria, by the University of Vienna.
- 'Welcome Guide for prae- & postdoctoral employees (EU & international)' of the International Office of the University of Vienna.
- Online information sessions on the doctoral studies at the University of Vienna in German and English
- online database for scholarships and research grants; provided by the OeAD.
- OeAD student housing: Austria does not have a tradition of on-campus accommodation. Students in Austria either live in student halls of residence or in private accommodation.
- Welcome Guide for new students by the study organisation of the University of Vienna.
- Reconciling work & family life by the University of Vienna.
c) Contacts
- The Liaison Officers are the first point of contact for people from third countries and provide initial information on visas and residence permits. The Liaison Officer of the Faculty of Life Sciences is Ms Susanne Menschik-Zunzer and of the Centre for Sport Science is Ms Martina Hochmeister-Postl.
- The PhaNuSpo coordinator Isolde Prommer can also provide initial information on visas, residence permits and on admission to studies.
- Doctoral students who are not employed by the University of Vienna, e.g. sholarship holders or self-financed students, are supported by the Austrian's Agency for Education and Internationalisation - OeAD. Contact via web form or email
6. Living in Vienna | Work & Family Life
Information by the Human Resources and Gender Equality Department
7. Online information sessions of the Center of Doctoral Studies
The Centre for Doctoral Studies offers
- general information sessions: overview of doctoral education at the University of Vienna.
- topic specific sessions: for example, admission in a nutshell, funding possibilities in a nutshell, and on organising entry and residence permit.
- Registration is not required.