How many ECTS do I have to obtain?

Doctoral programmes in Pharmacy and Nutritional Sciences


in German/ in English

PhD programme in Sport Science

PhD candidates are required to complete the following:

  • Courses (both with continuous assessment or without continuous assessment) comprising 18 to 30 ECTS credit.  As a PhaNuSpo PhD candidate, the following courses need to be part of the doctoral thesis agreement: "Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)" (once) and "SE PhaNuSpo Scientific Lectures - Meet the Expert" (at least once). Other courses shall be selected in agreement with the supervising team.These courses cannot be replaced by ECTS obtained from workshops, conference visits, co-mentoring of master theses etc.
  • Further 4 ECTS should be obtained through additional achievements such as: presenting research findings at (inter-)national scientific conferences (at least once), co-mentoring of master thesis, and attending the PhaNuSpo Annual Retreat (at least once).
  • Courses in transferable skills are desirable and should be chosen on an individual basis, but can only form part of the interest module of the transcript of records.
  • The exact specification of additional academic achievements, including ECTS credits and hours per week per semester as well as all details about the writing and supervision of the doctoral thesis are recorded in the doctoral thesis agreement. 

in German / English

 Course directories @UNIVIE and outside.

 How do I get credits for external achievements?

  • 2 ECTS: attendance of an (inter)national scientific meeting (duration: five full days)
    Required documents: Certificate of attendance and conference flyer (as a single PDF file)
  • 2-4 ECTS: first author presentation of your research at an (inter)national scientific meeting in form of a poster or a talk
    Required documents are: certificate of attendance, abstract book and abstract (as a single PDF file).
  • 2 ECTS per stay in an extramural lab promoting the progress of your thesis project
    Required documents: description of performed activities/experiments and confirmation letters from host and supervisor (as a single PDF file)
  • 1-2 ECTS: co-mentoring of a master thesis (a maximum of 3 co-supervised Masters students, i.e. a total of 3-6 ECTS credits). Use the appropriate template for your dissertation field, complete it and have it signed by your own supervisor.
  • ECTS for any other external achievements such as transferable skills courses, summer/winter schools, etc.: credits based on workload in hours.
    Required documents: certificate of attendance
  • 1 ECTS for active participation at the annual retreat + ECTS according to the programme information (e.g. 2 ECTS for poster presentation)

 Important notes

  1. For any kind of publication (posters, peer-reviewed papers, etc.) you have to comply with the Affiliation Policy of the University of Vienna and use the corporate design templates for doctoral schools (A0 poster and PowerPoint presentation) provided on the PhaNuSpo u:wiki intranet.
    Papers that do not show the correct affiliation cannot be considered for cumulative theses.
  2. Do not submit requests for ECTS recognition of external achievements before your public presentation (FÖP). Do this together with your doctoral thesis agreement, which you must submit after your public presentation, and thereafter with your annual progress reports.
  3. Once your thesis is published, add it to the u:cris database using your u:acount login. Your contribution here is important for the annual reports of our doctoral programme as well as for university statistics and outreach. Feel free to add your conference presentations, grant applications, awards or if you have co-organised a scientific event.

 To whom do I send these documents?