Publications since 2020


Seyed Khoei, Nazlisadat ; Carreras-Torres, Robert ; Murphy, Neil et al. / Genetically raised circulating bilirubin levels and risk of ten cancers: A mendelian randomization study. In: Cells. 2021 ; Vol. 10, No. 2. pp. 1-15.

Roberto, Marisa ; Kirson, Dean ; Khom, Sophia. / The role of the central amygdala in alcohol dependence. The role of the central amygdala in alcohol dependence. Vol. 11 2. ed. 2021. pp. 1-23 (Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine).

Boltze, Johannes ; Aronowski, Jaroslaw A. ; Badaut, Jerome et al. / New Mechanistic Insights, Novel Treatment Paradigms, and Clinical Progress in Cerebrovascular Diseases. In: Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2021 ; Vol. 13.

Fisher, James P. ; Csapo, Robert. / Periodization and Programming in Sports. In: Sports. 2021 ; Vol. 9, No. 2.

Ristivojević, Petar ; Jovanović, Vesna ; Opsenica, Dušanka Milojković et al. / Rapid analytical approach for bioprofiling compounds with radical scavenging and antimicrobial activities from seaweeds. In: Food Chemistry. 2021 ; Vol. 334.

Schneider, Kai Markus ; Elfers, Carsten ; Ghallab, Ahmed et al. / Intestinal Dysbiosis Amplifies Acetaminophen-Induced Acute Liver Injury. In: CMGH. 2021 ; Vol. 11, No. 4. pp. 909-933.

Angele, Claudia Maria. / Reflexions-, Entscheidung- und Bewertungskompetenzen anbahnen. Wirksamer Unterricht für Lebensführung . editor / Kirsten Schlegel-Matthies ; Claudia Wespi. Vol. 12 1. ed. Hohengehren : Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 2021. pp. 27-37 (Wirksamer Fachunterricht).

Bohm, Philipp ; Scharhag, Jürgen ; Egger, Florian et al. / Sports-Related Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Germany. In: Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 2021 ; Vol. 37, No. 1. pp. 105-112.

Vandekerckhove, Ines ; Wesseling, Mariska ; Kainz, Hans et al. / The effect of hip muscle weakness and femoral bony deformities on gait performance. In: Gait & Posture. 2021 ; Vol. 83. pp. 280-286.

Baumgartner, Matthias ; Gerlach, Erin ; Meier, Stefan et al. / Beiträge zur Qualität im Sportunterricht. Figuration sportpädagogischer Forschung und Lehre: 34. Jahrestagung der dvs-Sektion Sportpädagogik vom 03. Juni - 04. Juni 2021. editor / Vera Volkmann ; Peter Frei ; Alexander Kranz. Hildesheim : Hildesheim: Universitätsverlag, 2021. pp. 70

Mesagno, Christopher ; Ehrlenspiel, Felix ; Wergin, Vanessa V. et al. / Choking under pressure. Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology: Research Directions To Advance the Field. editor / Edson Filho ; Itay Basevitch. New York : Oxford University Press, 2021. pp. 31–C3.P63

Grenier, Michelle ; Lieberman, Lauren ; van Munster, Mey et al. / Collective Agendas to Assist in Building Inclusive Physical Education. Online ISAPA 2021, Quality partnerships in Adapted Physical Activity: Stronger Together!: Book of abstracts. editor / Kwok Ng ; Pauli Rintala ; Aada Kandzia ; Anni Lindeman. 2021. pp. 23

Baca, Arnold. / Computer Vision. The Use of Applied Technology in Team Sport. editor / M. Rico-González ; J. Pino-Ortega. Routledge, 2021. pp. 219-229

Mayerhoefer, Marius E. ; Raderer, Markus ; Lamm, Wolfgang et al. / CXCR4 PET imaging of mantle cell lymphoma using [68Ga]Pentixafor : Comparison with [18F]FDG-PET. In: Theranostics. 2021 ; Vol. 11, No. 2. pp. 567-578.

Auer, Niklas ; Zille, Marietta. / Detection of Axonal Degeneration in Microscopic Image Time Series using a Deep Learning Approach. Student Conference Proceedings 2021 : 10th Conference on Medical Engineering Science, 6th Conference on Medical Informatics, 4th Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 3rd Conference on Auditory Technology, 1st Conference on Biophysics, 1st Conference on Robotics and Autonomous Systems : Lübeck, March 10-12, 2021. editor / Thorsten M. Buzug. Lübeck : ‎ Infinite Science Publishing, 2021. pp. 341-344

Müllner, Rudolf. / "Die Festtage von Athen" - Otto Herschmanns Olympiabericht von 1896 revisited. Otto Herschmann und die Olympische Bewegung: Die Etablierung des modernen Sports in Österreich. editor / Matthias Marschik ; Rudolf Müllner ; Gherardo Bonini. Wien : Löcker Verlag, 2021. pp. 199-210

Oldenburg, Julia ; Fürhacker, Maria ; Hartmann, Christina et al. / Different bisphenols induce non-monotonous changes in miRNA expression and LINE-1 methylation in two cell lines. In: Environmental Epigenetics. 2021 ; Vol. 7, No. 1.

Marschik, Matthias ; Müllner, Rudolf ; Bonini, Gherardo. / Einleitung: Otto Herschmann als Agent des sportlichen Wandels. Otto Herschmann und die Olympische Bewegung: Die Etablierung des modernen Sports in Österreich. editor / Matthias Marschik ; Rudolf Müllner ; Gherardo Bonini. Wien : Löcker Verlag, 2021. pp. 7-16

Haslberger, Alexander. / epigenetically active nutraceuticals to address personal molecular mechanisms of aging. Functional food and healthy aging. Vol. 9 1. ed. Dallas : Food Science Publisher, 2021. pp. 157-203