Calls and Opportunities

Calls & Opportunities

The research group of Prof. Ina Bergheim, Molecular Nutritional Sciences, Department of Nutritional Sciences is looking for support of...

Calls & Opportunities

As a university assistant prae doc you will strengthen the ANTIOX working group of Prof. Karl-Heinz Wagner. Together with PostDocs you will work on...

Calls & Opportunities

Das Projekt PromoLi, gefördert durch das BMSGPK, ist ein Karriereförderprogramm für Nachwuchswissenschafter*innen aus dem Personenkreis der Menschen...

Calls & Opportunities

The "Pharmaceutical Bioanalysis" group (Prof. Sophia Khom) has a PhD position vacancy to investigate the molecular, cellular, circuit, and behavioural...

Calls & Opportunities

Join the organising team to plan and/or moderate an academically and socially innovative, exciting and powerful retreat!

Your efforts will be...

Calls & Opportunities

Das Förderungsstipendium (nach StudFG SS 2024) wird für die Durchführung einer noch nicht abgeschlossenen wissenschaftlichen Arbeit vergeben und soll...

Calls & Opportunities

The Institut français d'Autriche, in collaboration with the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, offers early-stage researcher stays in...

Calls & Opportunities

3-4 April 2024: The 6th Annual PRIDE Conference is held at the University of Zurich, Switzerland.

Target group: professionals in doctoral education.

Calls & Opportunities

The course is open to PhD students, master students and postdocs. Students can receive 8 ECTS. The best teams will have to opportunity to bring their...