Calls and Opportunities

Summer School

The Summer School will be held 01-06 July 2024 in Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium. It will offer a series of modules focusing on the different themes of...

Calls & Opportunities

The Circle U.lympics is a programme that delves into the theme of the Olympic Games. The programme is divided into two phases; 1) a series of online...

Calls & Opportunities

This annual prize is designed to showcase the best examples of inter- and transdisciplinary research at Circle U. universities. Three researchers...


The programme offers PhD students financial support for short stays at European universities, research institutions or companies.



The VDS PhaNuSpo supports its doctoral students financially in the final phase of their doctoral studies. Within the framework of the Completion...


The first Vienna BioCenter Industry Insights event (19.10.23 @ IMP Lecture Hall) will be hosted together with Wilbe. Wilbe, an early Venture Capital...

Calls & Opportunities

The Pint of Science festival brings research and science to local pubs and shows that science is important to our society - and entertaining too! For...


Wie geht es nach dem Studiumabschluss weiter? Junge Berufseinsteiger:innen geben dir am 19.10.23 wertvolle Einblicke via Zoom. Nutze die Möglichkeit,...

Calls & Opportunities

Um das 25-jährige Bestehen des Wissenschaftsprogramm der VHS zu feiern, lädt die VHS und die Universität Wien am 29. November 2023 zur Jubiläumsfeier...