Media: Videos and Podcasts


In this podcast episode, Lan, Andrea and Shara, PhD candidates in Pharmaceutical Sciences, talk about the challenges of doing a PhD abroad. They talk about cultural differences, language barriers, missing their families, making new friends and more! Tune in to hear their insights, the seen and...


Meet our amazing PhDs, PIs and other incredible scientists, who took part in the Women in Science campain at the Faculty of Life Sciences of the University of Vienna!


Podcast in German.

Sie sind im Meersalz, im Honig, im Mineralwasser, in Teebeuteln — winzig kleine Plastikpartikel. Jede Woche nehmen wir, ohne es zu merken, bis zu fünf Gramm Mikro- und Nanoplastik in uns auf. Das ist so, als würden wir jede Woche eine ganze Kreditkarte essen! Aber mit welchen...


From drug development to diagnostics and pain management: Medicine has long catered to the needs of the ‘middle-aged Caucasian man’. How aware is medical research today of gender-based inequality? We asked pain researcher Manuela Schmidt and medical ethicist Magdalena Eitenberger.


Chronic pain is a complex disease that still lacks effective treatment. We visited the lab of Manuela Schmidt and David Gómez Varela from the University of Vienna who aim to change this using cutting-edge technologies and approaches in proteome research.


In this episode, Shara and Agnes talked about ageing, molecular mechanisms behind it and how to stay healthy while you grow older. Interested? Tune in to find out more!


In this episode, Agnes and Shara chatted with Vincenzo Palmacci, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie PhD fellow, about his research journey through academia and industry during his doctoral studies.


In this (not) spooky episode, Agnes Draxler, an Alumna and early postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Nutritional Sciences, switched from host to guest to discuss with us what life is like after finishing a PhD. We talked about everything from job opportunities and salaries, when to start...


Article in German.

Warum sind Schichtarbeiter*innen öfter von Übergewicht und damit verbundenen Krankheiten betroffen? Eine EU-weite Studie unter der Leitung der Uni Wien sucht nach Antworten – und entwickelt Maßnahmen zur Prävention.