Media: Videos and Podcasts


(Article in German)

Das bisschen Schnupfen. Schwächt eine Pause nicht die mühsam aufgebauten Muskeln? Wann krank Sport machen wenig bringt – und wie man nach Pausen wieder einsteigt, erklärt Sportmediziner und Sportkardiologe Univ.-Prof. Jürgen Scharhag in „Die Zeit“.


(Article in German) Medikamentenentwicklung, Risikoeinschätzung und Schmerztherapien orientierten sich lange am "kaukasischen Mann". Wir fragen Schmerzforscherin Manuela Schmidt und Sozialwissenschafterin Magdalena Eitenberger: Wie gendersensibel ist die Forschung heute?


(Article and Video in German)

Evidence that highly processed foods are linked to multiple health risks is mounting and calls for labelling are growing louder. In this article and video, PhaNuSpo PhD student Reynalda Córdova explains the results of her recent groundbreaking research involving...


Our podcast team has now been established. The first step of this team is to attend a production workshop organised and run by OHWOW in July 2023.


The project "Smart Sport Assistance" ( aims to reduce participation barriers of visually impaired children and adolescents in physical education and sports lessons. Doing so by developing technological systems and promoting the physical activity of blind and visually...


Dear PhaNuSpo doctoral students,

Do YOU want to actively contribute to the launching of this NEW PODCAST, designed by and for doctoral students? Then we invite you to participate in the launch and first year of production of our PhaNuSpo podcast! Sign up until May 15th 2023.


In her guest appearance in the ARTE documentary "Why do we have limits?", which was released on 13.11.22, Assoz. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Barbara Wessner, Privatdoz. explains the role of genetics in limiting human physical performance capacity.


Originally, Andreas has been looking for natural substances to treat acute respiratory infectious diseases as part of an FWF project. "However, due to the urgency, we focused on finding natural products against SARS-CoV-2" explains the junior researcher and Impact.Award winner in the video.


How can we maintain health during aging? "My research could be the key", says Agnes Draxler from the Vienna Doctoral School of Phamarceutical, Nutritional and Sport Sciences (PhaNuSpo). The video gives an insight into her research about "Healthy Aging".