Mission Statement

This doctoral programme intends to provide an internationally competitive scientific training of doctoral students in innovative pharmaceutical, nutritional and sport research.

The school wants to attract motivated students and to guide them towards scientific excellence and independence in a truly unique and dynamic multi-as well as interdisciplinary environment to finally become well-educated, open-minded and responsible graduates. The cohorts trained and supported by the VDS PhaNuSpo are part of the vibrant research environment at the Faculty of Life Sciences and the Centre for Sport Science and University Sports of the University of Vienna.

Your Benefits

  • Co-supervision and mentoring from at least two experts in your field.
  • Low hierarchies and an open door policy.
  • Interdisciplinary exchange in the form of joint courses, seminars, retreats and social events.
  • Additional financial support e.g. in the form of completion or mobility grants.
  • A strong student voice.
  • Dedicated administrative support.

View our promotion video


PhD Corner

New doctoral candidates get support to orientate themselves at the University of Vienna. They will receive the relevant information concerning the doctorate, make first contacts with established...


The Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences becomes a member of Green Labs Austria. The initiative wants to connect labs in Austria to reduce our carbon footprint.

Founded in spring 2020 by students...


Weltweit werden derzeit Menschen gegen den Corona-Auslöser, das SARS-CoV-2-Virus, geimpft. Wie lange die entwickelten Vakzine wirksam sind, ob sie auch gegen Mutanten helfen und ob sie sowohl bei...


The project leader Sergey Zotchev as well as Olga Sekurova and PhD student Anna Stich (Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences), and Martin Zehl (Mass Spectrometry Centre of the University of Vienna)...


Learn more about Nowra’s journey in the video “From Statelessness to Covid-19 Vaccine Development: Nowras’ story of perseverance” (United Nation (UNRWA)). Today he is a doctoral candidate of the...

PhD Corner

Congratulations to PhaNuSpo's doctoral/PhD students Rebeka Fejes (Nutritional Sciences, Research Platform Active Aging) and Christopher Mihajlovic (Sport Science) for their 3rd places in the photo...

Latest publications

  • More publications here.
2 Faculties and 3 doctoral programmes
45 PIs/Professors