Vice Head of the VDS PhaNuSpo

Assoz. Prof. Dipl.-Biochem. Dr. Elke Heiß, Privatdoz.

Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 (UZA II)
1090 Wien
Room: 2F463

T: +43-1-4277-55993

Photo of Elke Heiß


Molecular Targets Group

Our group is interested in the modulation of the cellular stress resistance by natural products. Major research foci are the impact of biogenic compounds on the cellular redox balance (Nrf2, ROS as second messenger), on glucose homeostasis (insulin signaling, PTP1B, glucose uptake and metabolism) as well as the role of cellular bioenergetics as determinant of signal transduction and cell phenotype.

  • Natural products and cellular stress resistance
  • Impact of biogenic compounds on
    • redox balance (Nrf2, ROS as second messenger)
    • glucose homeostasis (insulin signaling, PTP1B, glucose uptake and metabolism)
    • cellular bioenergetics as determinant of signal transduction
  • Mode of action studies, chemical biology
