Assoz. Prof. Dr. Florian Kopp

Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 (UZA II)
1090 Wien
Room: 2E449A

T: +43-1-4277-55581

Photo of Florian Kopp

Foto © Postgraduate Center


Clinical Pharmacy and Diagnostics research group

Our laboratory uses modern molecular biology techniques and suitable genetic cell line and mouse models to study the human non-protein-coding genome and its role in normal physiology and disease. The group seeks to identify novel human noncoding RNAs, characterize their molecular functions and physiologic roles in various aspects of human biology, and explore their potential therapeutic applications as novel drug targets or biomarkers.


PhD students

Anna Felixia GrabowskiThi Thuy Anh NguyenJulia Scholda
Markus Zusag