VDS-PhaNuSpo lectures, workshops and much more

Essential training for PhD candidates, academic outreach grants and networking

The VDS-PhaNuSpo encourages and advises all doctoral/PhD candidates to actively participate in and complete the training opportunities listed below, as these are essential for career development in both academia and industry. Completion of these training courses may also have a positive impact when applying for benefits.

A) PhaNuSpo Lectures & Workshops

Topic & Trainer(s)Date & VenueFrequencyTarget groupRegistration

Onboarding Workshop

by DS manager,  representatives and invited expert.

13/03/2025, 8:00-13:00
@2D404, UZA2

followed by a reception.

At the beginning of every semester.

WS: Newly admitted PhDs

R: all PhaNuSpos

WS: Personal invitation

Reception: Registration
deadline on 07/03/2025

PhaNuSpo Scientific Lecture Series "Meet the Expert" (SE 850002)

by invited experts.

Talks: 16:45-17:45

Roundtables: 15:30-16:15

Every semester.

Talks: public

Roundtables: registered PhDs only

deadline on 24/02/2025

Research Data Management (RDM)

by UNIVIE data stewards Emily Kate and Michael Feichtinger.

19-20/03/2025, 9:00-12:00

11-12/06/2025, 9:00-12:00

Twice per semester.

PhDs, preferably within the first 6 months.
(max. 30 participants)

March course registration
deadline on 02/03/2025

June course registration
deadline 02/06/2025

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)

M1 by Eva-Maria Zangerl, Haider Sami and et.al.

M2-3: Marcel van der Heyden (University Utrecht)

M1: 09/04/2025, 9:00-13:00,
@HS-1, UZA2

M2-M3: 28/04/2025, 09:00-12:00
@HS-1, UZA2
For PhDs who passed M1 in 04/2024

Starting every summer semester.


PhDs, preferably as soon as possible after start.

M1: Registration opens soon

M2-3: PhDs informed per email

Effective Scientific Writing: your peer-reviewed publication

by Dr. Katherine Tiede

17+18+24+25 Nov 2025, each 13:00-17:00, onlineEvery winter semester.PhDs with some data, currently writing an article, or need support. (max. 12)

Registration opens in June 2025


Effective Visual Communication of Science

by Dr. Jernej Zupanc

Workshop on 13/05/2025, 09:00-13:30, online + self-learningEvery summer semester.PhDs with some data, in writing process. (max. 18)

deadline: 08/04/2025

Annual PhaNuSpo Retreat

Organised by the DS Manager together with a co-organising team, preferably PhD students.

25-26/09/2025 in Frankenfels, Lower AustriaAnnually in September, 2 full days outside of Vienna.PhaNuSpo members (PhDs, PIs and Alumni/ae) and guests
(80-100 participants)
Registration opens soon.

Completion Workshop

by DS manager, representatives and invited expert.

tbd @UZA2Planned: Every summer semester, tbc.

PhD candidates in their final year.
(max. 20)

Registration: tbd

B) More interesting offers: wellbeing, socialising, funds

TopicFrequency and deadlinesTargeted PhaNuSposRegister/Apply

Group coaching: Wellbeing and time-management

by Markus Böckle.

Every first Tuesday of the month, 16:00-17:40, 1060 ViennaPhDs, together with  VDSEE, VDS-MES, CoBeNeRegistration

Christmas Party

hosted by the doc school

Annually, in December PhaNuSpo members: PhDs, PIs and guests.Registration opens in November.
PhanuSpo Travel GrantOngoing, at least 2 months before the event.

PhD VDS-PhaNuSpo members, regardless of employment status.

Online submission portal
PhaNuSpo Mobility GrantQuarterly, Deadlines 15 January, April, June and October.PhD PhaNuSpo members with completed FÖP and DV, , regardless of employment status.Online submission portal
PhaNuSpo Completion GrantsTwice a year:  April and October.PhDs in the finishing phase: Two short-term finishing contracts per call, number of scholarships not specified)Application during the announcement phases.