Annual PhaNuSpo Retreat
An annual two-day retreat will be held at a venue outside the university which will be open to all doctoral students within VDS PhaNuSpo, participation is obligatory for doctoral students who are school-members. Within the retreat doctoral students will e.g. report the advances of their work, critically discuss recent and future research trends with all school members and invited experts, decide upon further procedures and strategies, and discuss their future perspectives/job possibilities in an interdisciplinary and translational environment. All PIs/supervisors shall be present as well as invited key researchers from academia and/or industry. Moreover, the SAB will be invited to attend the retreat and provide input into the future directions and decisions of the school.
Previous Retreats
3rd Annual Retreat
Scheduled for 16-17 September 2024 in Frankenfels, Lower Austria. Had to be cancelled due to severe flooding in Frankenfels. Parts of the programme have been moved to Vienna at a later date and are as follows
The Poster Session at the Centre for Pharmaceutical Research (UZAII) of the University of Vienna on 15 November 2024. The Science Power Point Karoake and Icebreaker at the PhaNuSpo Christmas Party on 4 December 2024.
2nd Annual Retreat
18-19 September 2023 in Söchau, Styria
1st Annual Retreat
12-13 September 2022 in Seitenstetten, Lower Austria
VDS PhaNuSpo Kick-off
Online on 23 March 2021