Calls and Opportunities

Calls & Opportunities

University of Vienna's novel training and fellowship programme to help realise innovative venture ideas. The registration for the first bootcamp on......


PhaNuSpo invites applications for completion grants, aiming to support doctoral students in their final phase of their doctoral studies.


Calls & Opportunities

The new career advancement programme for female predoc scientists from all disciplines and faculties of the University of Vienna will start in winter...

Calls & Opportunities

Interested (young) scientists can apply for numerous prizes, grants and scholarships.

Interessierte (Jung-) Wissenschafter:innen können sich wieder...

Summer School

Paris - Oslo - Berlin. Visit your favorite summerschool and discuss topics like global health, climate crisis, sustainability, or democracy. Click...


To show the diversity of research at the Faculty of Life Sciences, the faculty is looking for extraordinary and exciting snapshots of research life! ...


Call for Completion Grant is now open!

Deadline: 20. December 2020