First PhaNuSpo Annual Retreat
- 13th to 14th September 2022
- Stift Seitenstetten in Lower Austria
We are excited to inform that 64 PhaNuSpo members(PhD-students, supervisors/ principal investigators and SAB) have participated in our first Annual Retreat 2022. At this occasion we also had the opportunity to meet and exchange with our scientific advisory board members, Christophe Matthys, representing nutritional sciences (Associate Professor at KU Leuven, Belgium) and Achim Schmidtko, representing pharmaceutical sciences (Professor at the Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany).
The retreat has been filled with interesting talks and poster presentations from students as well as fruitful discussions, strengthening the interdisciplinary research and exchange between the groups, the PhDs and PIs.
Furthermore, the programme included sessions on in-depth discussions with PhDs student with PIs presenting their career development experiences, and sessions dealing with stress and pressure, networking and socialising activities, outdoor relaxation movements, doc school assessment and future planning, and tasting of wine and other local products.
f.l.t.r: award winners J.Scholda, N.Mekni, M.Netzer, M.Jirout, and PhaNuSpo director E.Heiß
The Impulse Talk Award goes to
- Julia Scholda
The Poster Awards go to
- Michael Jirout
- Michael Netzer
- Nedra Mekni
Thanks everyone. Well done!
We are thankful to everyone for making this retreat a successful and enjoyable event. We are looking forward to our retreat next year and hope to meet many PhaNuSpo-members again.
Below are some impressions
Pictures provided by PhaNuSpo office