Anna Maria Kripp (née Moitzi), BSc Bakk. MSc MSc


Thesis title: "Influence of a diet with different glycaemic index and carbohydrate content on substrate utilization, energy storage, and performance-related parameters in endurance-trained men"

Thesis outline:The project will investigate the influence of three different diets on substrate utilization. Recreationally active runners will complete a 10-week diet and training intervention and undergo various physical performance measurements at the beginning and end of the study.

In active recreational athletes, our objectives are: (1) to identify the effects, of different diets with variable carbohydrate content and glycaemic index on substrate metabolism, (2) to visualize the effects of different diets on energy stores using multinuclear dynamic magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and (3) to measure the effects of different diets on endurance performance.

More detailed info can be found here: Glycemic Index and Substrate Metabolism

Supervisor: Daniel König, Advisors: Barbara Wessner and Robert Csapo
