Transferable Skills

Each semester, the Center for Doctoral Studies of the Research Services and Career Development Unit offers workshops on topics such as academic writing and publishing, presentation skills and science communication, grant writing, time and self management, diversity and conflict management, data analysis and project management, and many more.

And in German only, Wissenschaftliches Schreiben (Individuelle Beratung, Schreibwerkstatt, Schreibgruppen).

In addition to this transferable skills workshop programme, the Center offers training and activities such as Welcome Days for PhD students, Lunch Talks, webinar series on well-being in academia, a Webinar: ORCID iD.

The Talent Acquisition and Development division has organised a vast array of continuing education courses, both for academic and non-academic university staff. All seminars and courses take place during regular working hours and are free of charge for employees of the University of Vienna.

Some highlights by categories during the summer semester 2023:

Please register for the courses via the course data base of the University of Vienna.

Childcare during the seminar time

In cooperation with the Vienna University Children’s Office the Human Resources Development offers the possibility of free childcare for the duration of the seminar. Please contact the Children's Office for more information:

Education offers @ other divisions

  • CTL - Center for Teaching and Learning: We especially recommend for global funded PhDs the the "Basic Qualification for Junior Staff - Teaching in Higher Education", and further the "Workshopreihe Teaching Competence"

These courses are not recognised with ECTS for doctoral studies. Exceptions will only be made if German is a prerequisite for the doctoral research.

Language courses for employees of the University of Vienna: Employees of the University of Vienna and the Medical University of Vienna receive a 25% discount when attending a regular German or Foreign Language Course. Course fees may also be covered by the Human Resources Department, please contact the department "Personalentwicklung" in advance.