PhD students: Sport Science
PhD student | Thesis (working) title | Supervisor(s) |
Aschauer, Rudolf | Auswirkungen von Nährstoffen und Krafttraining auf Kraftentwicklung und funktionelle Gesundheit bei Personen im Alter von 65 bis 85 Jahren | Barbara Wessner |
Bischofberger, Jonas Raphael | Quantitative Modelling of Technical and Tactical Performance in Soccer Using Positional Data | Arnold Baca, Erich Schikuta, Roland Leser |
Chen, Chuqi | Modelling Spatial Dynamics to Evaluate Game Event Value in Basketball | Arnold Baca |
Chetouani, Amin | Contribution of Stretch Reflexes to Plantar Flexor Force Potentiation during Maximal Stretch-Shortening Cycle Movements | Arnold Baca, Janne Avela |
Dietrich, Daniel Wendelin | Motive und Erwartungen von Lehramtsstudierenden Bewegung und Sport - eine empirische Studie zur Erforschung der Gründe für Studienwahl, Berufswahl und Studienabbruch | Michael Kolb |
Dumphart, Bernhard | Reducing extrinsic errors in 3-dimensional clinical gait analysis by means of Artificial Intelligence | Arnold Baca, Brian Horsak |
Gaßner, Lucia Anna | CLIMB UP, HEAD UP! Sport Climbing with Parkinson's disease and the Impacts on the Quality of Life | Rochus Pokan |
Gneist, Nico | Peter Gröpel | |
Gruber, Lean Alexander | Association between serum erythritol, cardiometabolic risk factors, dietary habits and physical activity of young adults | Barbara Wessner, Karl-Heinz Wagner |
Heidrich, Franziska Anna | Social Justice Pedagogies – Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives on Meeting Students’ Diversity | Stefan Meier |
Acute and chronic sex-specific effects of physical activity on the heart - an echocardiographic study | Jürgen Scharhag, Barbara Wessner | |
Höger, Brigitta | Der Schulkörper als Ikone sportdidaktischer Diskurse vor dem Hintergrund der Intersektionalitätstheorie | Konrad Kleiner |
Kadlubowski, Björn | Strength training in elite youth soccer players | Robert Csapo, Klaus Wirth |
Koller, Willi | Validation and optimization of a workflow to predict bone rowth with musculosceletal simulations and FEM simulations | Hans Kainz, Arnold Baca |
Kripp, Anna Maria | Influence of a diet with different glycaemic index and carbohydrate content on substrate utilization, energy storage, and performance-related parameters in endurance-trained men | Daniel König, Barbara Wessner |
Ma, Runqing | Analysing Dynamic Networks in Football: Advancing Understanding of Collective Behaviours | Arnold Baca |
Mandl, Marius | (Working) Effects of six-month strength training on Speed Strength Parameters, Forehand Topspin Stroke Performance and on Neuromuscular Modulation in Elite Junior Table Tennis players. | Arnold Baca, Klaus Wirth |
Moser, Julian | Extracellular Vesicles-Mediated Muscle–Immune Crosstalk: Effects of Exercise | Barbara Wessner |
Nader, David | Performance diagnostics in elite sports: Examination of Various Methods and Procedures for Assessing Performance & Performance Development | Jürgen Scharhag |
The influence of intermittent hypoxia-hyperoxia training (IHHT) on performance and immune cells of elite cyclists | Barbara Wessner, Robert Csapo | |
Pürzel, Alexander | Biomechanical analysis of compensation strategies during the squat and conventional deadlift at high loads (90%+ Fmax) | Hans Kainz, Arnold Baca |
Raidl, Peter | The Effects of Psychosocial Stress on Hypertrophy and Strength Adaptations | Robert Csapo, Barbara Wessner |
Retzer, Heidi | Elektronischer Arbeitsplatz und Arbeitsschäden - Rahmenbedingungen, Möglichkeiten und Barrieren für Bewegung am Arbeitsplatz | Johann Bröll, |
Sabic, Benjamin | Comparison of heart rates at fixed percentages and the ventilatory thresholds in patients with chronic heart & lung diseases and the effects on peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) after a 6-week rehabilitation program | Jürgen Scharhag, Karin Vonbank |
Schnack, Tjorven | Modelling Methods for Predicting Heart Rate During Endurance Exercise and Their Use for Monitoring Training Adaptations | Arnold Baca |
Sick, Johanna | Exercise and long COVID-19: Effects of different training modalities on long COVID-19 symptoms, physical performance, inflammation, health-related quality of life and cognitive function | Daniel König |
Simonlehner, Mark | ULTRASKEL3D: Ultrasound-Based Skeletal 3D scans for Personalized Musculoskeletal Modelling | Brian Horsak, Hans Kainz |
Slunecko, Michelle | How is sleep duration and quality re-lated to body composition, muscle function, performance, and training adaptation? | Robert Csapo, Barbara Wessner |
Steindl, Gerald | Innovative Technologies for Determinig Kinematic Parameters in Water Sports | Arnold Baca |
Unterberger, Sandra | Zusammenspiel von Krafttraining und Optimierung der Nährstoffzufuhr auf Muskelqualität und Immunfunktion bei Personen im Alter von 65 bis 85 Jahren | Barbara Wessner, Karl-Heinz Wagner |
Wallnöfer, Elias Kaj | Muscle coordination and joint load compared between heel raise exercise variations performed by dancers and sprinters. | Hans Kainz, Robert Csapo, Arnold Baca |
Weber, Anne Claudia Paola | Gender roles and gender-specific images of movement and the body in the workers' sports movement from 1945 to 1971 | Rudolf Müllner |
Zöger, Manfred | Seitendifferenz bei unterschiedlichen Maximalkraftleistungen der unteren Extremitäten | Alfred Nimmerichter, Arnold Baca |