PhD students: Sport Science

PhD studentThesis (working) titleSupervisor(s)
Aschauer, Rudolf Auswirkungen von Nährstoffen und Krafttraining auf Kraftentwicklung und funktionelle Gesundheit bei Personen im Alter von 65 bis 85 JahrenBarbara Wessner
Bischofberger, Jonas Raphael
Quantitative Modelling of Technical and Tactical Performance in Soccer Using Positional DataArnold Baca,
Erich Schikuta,
Roland Leser
Chen, Chuqi Modelling Spatial Dynamics to Evaluate Game Event Value in BasketballArnold Baca
Chetouani, AminContribution of Stretch Reflexes to Plantar Flexor Force Potentiation during Maximal Stretch-Shortening Cycle Movements Arnold Baca, Janne Avela
Dietrich, Daniel WendelinMotive und Erwartungen von Lehramtsstudierenden Bewegung und Sport - eine empirische Studie zur Erforschung der Gründe für Studienwahl, Berufswahl und StudienabbruchMichael Kolb
Dumphart, Bernhard
Reducing extrinsic errors in 3-dimensional clinical gait analysis by means of Artificial IntelligenceArnold Baca,
Brian Horsak
Gaßner, Lucia AnnaCLIMB UP, HEAD UP! Sport Climbing with Parkinson's disease and the Impacts on the Qual­ity of Life Rochus Pokan
Gneist, NicoPeter Gröpel
Gruber, Lean AlexanderAssociation between serum erythritol, cardiometabolic risk factors, dietary habits and physical activity of young adultsBarbara Wessner, Karl-Heinz Wagner
Heidrich, Franziska Anna
Social Justice Pedagogies – Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives on Meeting Students’ Diversity   Stefan Meier

Hofbauer, Theresa

Acute and chronic sex-specific effects of physical activity on the heart - an echocardiographic study Jürgen Scharhag,
Barbara Wessner
Höger, Brigitta Der Schulkörper als Ikone sportdidaktischer Diskurse vor dem Hintergrund der IntersektionalitätstheorieKonrad Kleiner
Kadlubowski, BjörnStrength training in elite youth soccer playersRobert Csapo,
Klaus Wirth
Koller, Willi
Validation and optimization of a workflow to predict bone rowth with musculosceletal simulations and FEM simulationsHans Kainz,
Arnold Baca
Kripp, Anna MariaInfluence of a diet with different glycaemic index and carbohydrate content on substrate utilization, energy storage, and performance-related parameters in endurance-trained menDaniel König,
Barbara Wessner
Ma, RunqingAnalysing Dynamic Networks in Football: Advancing Understanding of Collective Behaviours Arnold Baca
Mandl, Marius (Working) Effects of six-month strength training on Speed Strength Parameters, Forehand Topspin Stroke Performance and on Neuromuscular Modulation in Elite Junior Table Tennis players. Arnold Baca,
Klaus Wirth
Moser, Julian Extracellular Vesicles-Mediated Muscle–Immune Crosstalk: Effects of ExerciseBarbara Wessner
Nader, DavidPerformance diagnostics in elite sports: Examination of Various Methods and Procedures for Assessing Performance & Performance DevelopmentJürgen Scharhag

Peprnicek, Christoph

The influence of intermittent hypoxia-hyperoxia training (IHHT) on performance and immune cells of elite cyclistsBarbara Wessner,
Robert Csapo
Pürzel, Alexander  Biomechanical analysis of compensation strategies during the squat and conventional deadlift at high loads (90%+ Fmax)Hans Kainz,
Arnold Baca
Raidl, Peter
The Effects of Psychosocial Stress on Hypertrophy and Strength AdaptationsRobert Csapo,
Barbara Wessner
Retzer, HeidiElektronischer Arbeitsplatz und Arbeitsschäden - Rahmenbedingungen, Möglichkeiten und Barrieren für Bewegung am Arbeitsplatz

Johann Bröll,
Jürgen Scharhag

Sabic, Benjamin
Comparison of heart rates at fixed percentages and the ventilatory thresholds in patients with chronic heart & lung diseases and the effects on peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) after a 6-week rehabilitation programJürgen Scharhag,
Karin Vonbank
Schnack, Tjorven Modelling Methods for Predicting Heart Rate During Endurance Exercise and Their Use for Monitoring Training Adaptations Arnold Baca
Sick, Johanna
Exercise and long COVID-19:  Effects of different training modalities on long COVID-19 symptoms, physical performance, inflammation, health-related quality of life and cognitive functionDaniel König
Simonlehner, MarkULTRASKEL3D: Ultrasound-Based Skeletal 3D scans for Personalized Musculoskeletal Modelling Brian Horsak,
Hans Kainz
Slunecko, Michelle How is sleep duration and quality re-lated to body composition, muscle function, performance, and training adaptation? Robert Csapo,
Barbara Wessner
Steindl, Gerald Innovative Technologies for Determinig Kinematic Parameters in Water SportsArnold Baca
Unterberger, SandraZusammenspiel von Krafttraining und Optimierung der Nährstoffzufuhr auf Muskelqualität und Immunfunktion bei Personen im Alter von 65 bis 85 JahrenBarbara Wessner,
Karl-Heinz Wagner
Wallnöfer, Elias KajMuscle coordination and joint load compared between heel raise exercise variations performed by dancers and sprinters.Hans Kainz,
Robert Csapo,
Arnold Baca
Weber, Anne Claudia Paola Gender roles and gender-specific images of movement and the body in the workers' sports movement from 1945 to 1971Rudolf Müllner
Zöger, ManfredSeitendifferenz bei unterschiedlichen Maximalkraftleistungen der unteren ExtremitätenAlfred Nimmerichter,
Arnold Baca