PhD students: Nutritional Sciences

PhD student Thesis (working) titleSupervisor(s)
Arapovic, Julia Fatty acid-channeling via UCP3 in mitochondrial subtypes

Jürgen König, Felix Sternberg

Aufschnaiter, Anna LenaEffects of shift work on body composition, sensory performance and dietary behaviour Karl-Heinz Wagner
Batzorig, AnarAlcohol and fructose as modulators of health and lifespan: Studies in Caenorhabditis elegansIna Bergheim
Bozkir, Haktan ÖvülIntestinal barrier function in age-dependent gut-brain interaction: pharmacological interventions with metforminIna Bergheim
Bragagna, Laura VanessaInteractions between antioxidants and oxidative stressKarl-Heinz Wagner
Burger, Katharina Regulation alkoholabbauender Enzyme im Kontext metabolischer LebererkrankungenIna Bergheim
Candussi, CatharinaPlant-based diets and musculoskeletal healthTilman Kühn,
Karl-Heinz Wagner
Chmelar, SabineThe "Austrian Osteoarthritis Cuisine":  A new Austrian anti-inflammatory diet for osteoarthritis and its effects on inflammatory markers, oxidative stress and nutritional status.Karl-Heinz Wagner,
Oliver Neubauer

Csarmann, Katja

Hop compounds as modulator of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and infectionsIna Bergheim
Dvorak, BernadetteEvaluation of the breastfeeding behavior and infant nutrition in AustriaKarl-Heinz Wagner,
Karin Schindler
Englert, Kristina„Der sozioökonomische Status, die Ernährungskompetenz und die Ernährungsumgebung als Indikatoren für eine gesundheitsfördernde und nachhaltige Ernährung“ – Zukunftsperspektive der Ernährung in Österreich Karl-Heinz Wagner

Ferk, Franziska Maria 

Untersuchungen der Auswirkungen von Gewichtreduktion auf DNA Stabilität und weitere gesundheitsassoziierte biochemische ParameterKarl-Heinz Wagner
Flegar, MarionInterdependenzanalyse des Persönlichkeitsfaktors Intelligenz und des anthropometrischen ParametersKarl-Heinz Wagner
Gandolf, KilianKarl-Heinz Wagner
Gassner, MarkusAcute impact of foods and beverages on exercise- induced oxidative stress and inflammationDaniel König

Huber-Schneider, Wolfgang       

Can dietary supplements be linked to a vegan diet and health risk modulation during vegan pregnancy, infancy and early childhood?Karl-Heinz Wagner,
Ingrid Kiefer
Innerbichler, Hannah Identification of biomarkers for the authentication of alpine cheeses.Jürgen König,
Katrin Bach
Kadi, AndreasNährwert- und gesundheitsbezogene Angaben für Lebensmittel in ÖsterreichJürgen König
Keszleri, LaraEffects of dietary nitrate and exercise training on blood pressure, physical performance, and oxidative stress in postmenopausal women Oliver Neubauer
Klammer, CarmenNutrition Bone and muscle status in frail patients with bacterial infectionsKarl-Heinz Wagner, Jürgen König, Martin Clodi
Krasniqi Boshnjaku, Ermira
Genetic polymorphisms of vitamin D-related genes and its association with vitamin D status and physical performance in adults aged 45 years and aboveKarl-Heinz Wagner,
Barbara Wessner

Kreher, Johanna Marie

Elements of nutrition communication strategies - Best practice models to improve eating behaviour in older European adultsIna Bergheim,
Christine Brombach
Kromm, FranziskaIntestinal barrier function in the development of ageing-associated cognitive dysfunction: Role of dietary fibresIna Bergheim
Maach, NadineThe role of TLR9 in liver decline and immune modulation in aging and overweightIna Bergheim
Noorwali, NafeesahRole of Toll-like Receptors in the Development of Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease (MASLD)Ina Bergheim
Pointner, Angelika Maria
Effects of epigenetic active plant ingredients on DNA methylation markers with relevance for ageing and inflammationAlexander Haslberger
Scherrer, Viktoria Entwicklung einer Methode zur Automatisierung der Berücksichtigung von Gewichtsausbeutefaktoren (Yieldfaktoren) in der softwaregestützten NährwertberechnungJürgen König
Schoissengeier, Vanessa


Effect of shift work on oxidative stress, DNA damage and untargeted metabolomicsKarl-Heinz Wagner, Tilman Kühn 
Spahits, Hannah Metabolomic profile analysis after diet and exercise interventions in older adults and its role in dietary intake assessment Karl-Heinz Wagner,
Tilman Kühn
Staltner, Raphaela Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Nahrungsbestandteilen wie Sucralose und Phosphatidylcholin auf die Entstehung der metabolischen EndotoxinämieIna Bergheim
Stelzer, Tamara ChristinaThe impact of moderately elevated bilirubin levels on metabolic healthKarl-Heinz Wagner,
Daniel König
Stöffel, Tibor Marian Florin Nicola Nutritional modulation of learning and decision making under uncertaintyStefan Schulreich, Tilman Kühn
Sturm, Lisa Healthy and sustainable FBDGs and their impact on public health

Karl-Heinz Wagner,
Klemens FUCHS (AGES)

Tribolet, Pascal
Nutzen der Ernährungstherapie bei mangelernährten, medizinischen Patientinnen und PatientenKarl-Heinz Wagner,
Philipp Schütz
Wagner-Kerschbaumer, RebeccaForming conclusion despite complexity: Judgment competence in the context of nutrition, health and consumer literacy

Claudia Angele,
Karl-Heinz Wagner,
Katharina Groß

Zöhrer, Patrick Alexander

Exploring the human gut microbiota and intrinsic and extrinsic connectionsKarl-Heinz Wagner